Q What is the Bloomington Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Environmental Cleanup Project?

A – Nicor Gas is working to clean up the former Bloomington MGP to current environmental standards by participating in the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (Illinois EPA’s) voluntary Site Remediation Program. Nicor Gas has evaluated soil and groundwater conditions at the Bloomington MGP property, at 1201 W. Washington St., and the surrounding area and has implemented several activities to identify and remove MGP residuals.

Q – What are the next steps in the project?

A – This phase of the project began in October 2021 and is expected to last approximately three years. MGP residuals and soils that exceed applicable Illinois EPA cleanup levels on the MGP property and Ciba-Geigy property are being excavated. Confirmation samples are collected to demonstrate that the cleanup objectives have been met. After the objectives have been met, the excavation area is backfilled with clean material and the property will be restored.

Q – What steps are being taken to minimize impacts from the project on the surrounding community?

A – The work is being conducted in accordance with applicable federal, state and local requirements. People in the vicinity may notice odors similar to roofing tar or moth balls. Although odors may become noticeable at times, they are not considered a health risk. An air monitoring program is used to demonstrate that there are no adverse impacts to air quality in the area. The site is secured with fencing and access is limited to property trained workers. Trucks are covered and cleaned before they leave the site via Washington Street and a street sweeper is used on nearby streets, if needed. The truck routes were developed with input from the City. Work is typically conducted during weekday daytime hours.

Q – What is the history of the Bloomington MGP?

A – Prior to the mid-1900s, MGPs provided gas for lighting, cooking, heating and industrial applications. The Bloomington MGP produced gas from 1883 to 1951 for use in Bloomington and Normal. From 1955 until 1993, Nicor Gas used the property as an office and maintenance facility. The property is currently vacant and is still owned by Nicor Gas.

Q – What were the byproducts and residuals?

A – Manufactured gas typically created byproducts such as ashes, cinders and tar. Tar was typically stored in underground structures at plant sites and sold for use in road paving, roofing materials and other commercial products.

Q – What is the chemical makeup of the residuals?

A – Tar and other MGP residuals can contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as naphthalene; volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as benzene and toluene; and metals and other inorganic materials. PAHs are commonly found in the environment, because they form as a result of combustion, such as from vehicle exhaust. VOCs are often found in fuels and solvents. More information about these compounds is available from the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry web site: https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/.

Q – How have the residuals impacted the environment?

A – PAH and VOCs associated with MGP residuals have been detected in soils and groundwater. Because the MGP residuals are beneath the ground and are covered by vegetation, asphalt, and/or structures, people are not in contact with them. The community’s water supply is not affected and there are no private wells in the area that would be affected.

Q – What actions has Nicor Gas taken to address MGP residuals?

A – The cleanup of the Bloomington MGP has consisted of a multi-phased approach. For the history of the Bloomington MGP, including the work completed, click here.

Q – What is the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s role in the project?

A – The project is being conducted in cooperation with, and with oversight by, Illinois EPA through its voluntary Site Remediation Program. The Illinois EPA reviews, evaluates and approves actions and reports associated with the project. For more information on the Illinois EPA’s role in the Bloomington MGP Environmental Cleanup Project, please contact Rodolfo Alanis at 847-553-9251 or rodolfo.alanis@illinois.gov.

Q – How can we get more information about the project?

A – This website will be updated periodically to include additional information on the site for the duration of the project. The Bloomington Public Library, 205 E. Olive Street, has a collection of documents about the project. If you have questions about the Bloomington MGP Environmental Cleanup Project, please email the project team at info@bloomingtonsite.info, click here or contact Bernie Anderson, Nicor Gas Regional Manager, Community Affairs, at 309-261-4155 or bander3@southernco.com.